The Prepared 4 Purpose Curriculum is designed as a turn-key mentoring curriculum for ministries and professional Christian Counselors with a heart to raise up and equip young women to fulfill their God-given purpose.
The Prepared 4 Purpose Mentoring Curriculum is a scripturally sound program based upon a good success model found in Joshua 1:7-8. The program is organized into short lessons each focusing on simple truths from the word of God. It is written in a user-friendly, line upon line and precept upon precept format. The curriculum is meant to provide the young person with the necessary skills to overcome past circumstances and to gain knowledge and skills to lead a successful and purposeful life in Christ. It will also provide a spiritual foundation that will give the young person a base upon which to build their lives. It was created with you in mind to position you for GOOD SUCCESS in your quest to raise up the next generation of women destined for purpose; it consists of a Facilitators Guide, a Teen workbook, an Adult Workbook, a Mentor Training CD and the Pocket Guide to Good Success.
Prepared 4 Purpose Curriculum Start Up Kit Ring-bound
Hard copy
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